The D-litter

Here they are 3 weeks old. From left Drude (only girl), Darwin, Dylan, and Dines.

Pictures of Dylan, 11 weeks old.

More pictures of the kittens, 6 weeks old.

Pictures of the kittens, 1 week old.

Born May 24th 2000. Mother EC Buens Brynhilde. Father EC Europas Næsvise Nordmand ("Naughty"). Click to see the pedigree.

Naughty as youngster. (Photo by Alan Robinson). Naughty has been on the top-10 lists of Danish NFOs several times. He has sired several successful careercats.

Naughty in June 2000. Not in top coat condition. But look at the size. "The norwegian forest cat is a BIG cat" as the standard says.

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